Mobile Phone Geolocation
If you want to know what happens to a mobile phone as well as its exact location at all times we are able to provide you with this information. Geolocation is made easy thanks to advanced GPS devices at our disposal.
The means of modern technology we have can detect the majority of mobile phones, making mobile phone surveillance easier than ever.
In recent years, mobile telephony is constantly growing rapidly improving the quality of its services. Along with the obvious service of communication for the users, mobile telephony has the opportunity to meet many other needs that essentially it has created for them. Among other things therefore, a mobile phone can provide us with a way of monitoring and an informal control over the lives of people we are interested in. There is a very wide circulation of programs and gadgets of mobile phones available for almost all types of mobile devices.
We all know that the use of mobile phones involves receiving and transmitting information via antennas. But few know the wealth of information available to mobile telephony providers as well as the fact that they can keep this information indefinitely. Each antenna is equipped with receivers that receive signals from mobile phones in the area. So in the case of an “incoming” call, the antenna records the angle or the length of transmission of the signal from the antenna to the mobile phone. Comparing similar records from more antennas, the network detects the position of the mobile phone. At first sight, these records are “personal data”-that is, information that refers to its subject.
According to the above, mobile phone surveillance is a possibility available due to the evolution of modern mobile telephony. There are various reasons for somebody to want to monitor a mobile phone. Maybe someone has fallen victim of deceit of some kind and is trying to find the one responsible, or someone may worry about the whereabouts of somebody who is a member of his family or somebody he loves.
Our highly trained personnel, our perfect technological training and the specialized devices that we use, can guarantee the absolute success of our research.